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Our ‘Tuesday Chaingangs’ meet at Euxton Mills.


The ‘Thursday Hilly’ rides meet at Merlin Cycles. (Please do not park at Merlin as the gates may close).


The suggested average speeds are approximate and may differ slightly from those stated, based on terrain, group ability, weather conditions or a combination of various factors.




Leaving Euxton Mills @ 6.15pm (meet at 6.10pm). Same route each week and same for each group.


3 rides – A (fastest), B (intermediate) & C (steadiest)

Ride A expected Avg speed ≈ 23-26mph
(Please note: Group A is not a club official ride, therefore anyone can ride, club member or not. Please be aware that this may void any insurance cover provided by the club. Members ride at their own risk!)

Ride B is club official. Expected Avg speed ≈ 21-24mph

Ride C is club official. Expected Avg speed ≈ 19-22mph

Ride A to leave first, followed by B and then C. Leave a short gap of a 2-3 minutes between groups. Dropped riders can fall back to next group.


Meet back at Euxton Mills for beverages!


This is a drop ride, therefore the group will proceed, leaving dropped riders or those getting a puncture or mechanical.




Leaving Merlin Cycles @ 6.15pm (meet at 6.10pm). Same route for each group. Route will rotate on a 3-4 week basis, and will be posted online.


3 rides – A (fastest), B (intermediate) & C (steadiest)

Ride A expected Avg speed ≈ 17-19mph

Ride B expected Avg speed ≈ 15-17mph

Ride C expected Avg speed ≈ 13-15mph


Ride A to leave first, followed by B and then C. Leave a short gap of a 2-3 minutes between groups. Any riders particularly struggling in groups A and B can fall back to next group.

Each route will have pub stop at end, stated in route title.


This is a group ride, ridden to the speeds stated above and is therefore a no drop ride. It is NOT a chaingang and the same etiquette for weekend rides should be applied! Groups must ride to the pace of the slowest rider. Any riders struggling with the pace of groups A or B may chose to fall back to the next group behind. Let another rider in the group know if you are going to fall back. Regrouping must take place after descending off every major climb, or where a split in the group has occurred due to faster sections of the route. Regroup at safe point, before the final pub stop.